Richmondshire District Council

Level of support

When you leave care you will have to manage more things on your own, but North Yorkshire County Council will continue to support you. The level of support you receive  depends on your status - your age, when you were in care and for how long.

From 16 years old

You should have a personal advisor, an assessment of the support you need and a pathway plan that sets out how the local authority will support you, including financial support. The pathway plan should be reviewed as required and at least every six months. This should be in place until you are at least 21.

Reaching 21

Once reaching the age of 21 and if you are already in education or training, support will usually stop around the time of your 21st birthday. You should have a final meeting with your personal advisor who will talk to you about other services you may be able to get help with. However, if up until your 25th birthday you return to, or want education or training, you can go back to your local authority and ask for support.

Accommodation for 16 and 17 year old care leavers

When young people leave their care placement, the local authority must ensure that the accommodation they move into is suitable. For many young people, moving straight from care to independent living is too big a step.

Depending on the young person's needs, there may be a choice of:

  • returning to the family home
  • continuing to live with their foster family
  • supported lodgings with friends or family

Who to contact

Richmondshire District Council offer a Young Person's Accommodation Pathway. This service offers young people the necessary support, advice and mediation to enable them to stay in their present accommodation. Where it is not possible for someone to remain at home, you may be assessed for supported accommodation. You can contact the housing options team on 01748 901150 or email

If you are a care leaver in the Richmondshire area needing personal support contact North Yorkshire County Council on 01609 780780.